
How Revelation Ends

A River, The Water, The Tree, And The Book Of Life Revelation 22:1-21 Study of the Book of Revelation, Part 36    Twenty years ago, I did my first (and really only, certainly, the most indepth) study on the Book of Revelation. This was my final writing on the topic from the study, which concluded in November after beginning in January.     The first of seven "Blessed"s or Beatitudes is found in Revelation 1:3, and the final Beatitude is found in Revelation 22:14. The Complete (7) Blessings are: 1:3  BLESSING FOR THOSE WHO READ ALOUD THE BOOK OF REVELATION. Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy aloud, and blessed are those who hear and obey the things written in it, because the time is near! 14:13 BLESSING FOR THOSE WHO DIE IN THE LORD. Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write this: 'Blessed are the dead, those who die in the Lord from this moment on!'" "Yes," says the Spirit, "so they can rest from their hard work...


Revelation, An Unsealed Book by Timothy C. McKeown Introduction, Part 1 1. The Setting of Revelation: PHYSICALLY: The  Island  of  Patmos , around 95 A.D. PROPHETICALLY: Heaven, and the future earth. Written around 95 A.D. on the  Island  of  Patmos , the book of the Revelation is not a book of mystery but an unsealed book of prophecy (Rev. 22:10), intended to explain to those reading the things which John had seen, the things which were happening at the time, and also things which would occur in the future. While a very few have theorized that Revelation was written during Nero’s persecution, the very temperament of the seven churches do not fit that time period. 2. The Scribe of Revelation: John According to Rev. 1:1, 4, 9; 21:2, 8, Revelation is written by John. How do we know this is the Apostle John? Virtually all ancient church fathers writing after the conclusion of the New Testament testify that it was penned by the Apostle John, the beloved discipl...